Monday, January 2, 2012

Notes from mini freezer meal class

Kimm’s Tips for Freezer Meals:
1.  Make things you really like.  If you don’t really like the food, you won’t want to eat it later!
2.  Use as many matching containers as possible.  That way, they stack easily and don’t take up as much space.
3.  Rotate your meals.  Put newer ones in back and older ones in front so they get used and not freezer-burned.
4.  Keep up your freezer meals by making a little extra when cooking and then freeze several servings.
5.  Choose one day a month to prepare 1-3 meals solely for freezing, depending upon use and freezer space.
6.  If you do decide to cook several meals on the same day, make it easier for yourself.  Plan on making something in a crockpot, in the oven, and on the stove.  That way, you can prepare the crock pot and the oven meals first, and focus on the stove meal while they are cooking.
7.  Almost anything you make yourself is cheaper and healthier than eating out.  But you can only reap the benefits if you actually EAT your freezer meals!  Take them with you for lunch – it’s a grab ‘n go meal that takes zero preparation in the morning before work or school.
8.  Consider cutting up veggies and storing in Ziploc bags as soon as you buy them.  A freezer meal, a bag of celery with a container of peanut butter, and an apple makes a FAST, easy, healthy lunch.


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